Understanding dog body language is a wonderful way to connect with our furry friends and keep...
Dog Enrichment Ideas
Enrichment is one of those fancy buzzwords that has been floating around the animal-loving...
Fostering Dogs FAQ
At AARCS, we believe in creating a compassionate world for all animals. Fostering is a vital part...
Tito’s Handmade Vodka Grant
We have been awarded a generous gift courtesy of Tito’s Handmade Vodka, known as the Vodka for Dog...
Boundary Training
Often it’s not convenient having your dog in the kitchen when you cook. So we’re going to teach...
The Story of Clare
An adoption story about a remarkable AARCS' dog named Clare. 💜Written by her adopter/mom, Kailee...
Reward Markers
Let’s start from the beginning! What is a reward? It’s basically anything that your dog sees as...
What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Adopt
You are online at an animal adoption website. Lo and behold, there is a profile of a beautiful...
Adoptions Update – Southbeach
A sweet star from AARCS is loving her new home. Now named Winnie, she has embraced her new...
Adoptions Update – Phil
Phil was a bundle of energy that came to AARCS as a puppy. Now with his new family, he is named...
Kennel Cough
Kennel cough - what is it exactly? Simply put, it’s a highly contagious respiratory disease. This...
Adoptions Update – Kira
We all thought that this sweet little pup is destined to become an internet sensation. As you can...
How to Handle a Mannerless Dog
Got a new puppy at home? Is it just the sweetest little wiggly ball of love? I’ll bet the answers...
Petco Love and Bobs from Skechers Grant
Charitable Footwear Brand and Long-Time Leader in Animal Welfare Partner with Alberta Animal...
Adoptions Update – Indigo
Indigo is thriving in her new home! Formerly known as Anastacia here at AARCS, Indi (Indigo) has...
No-Cost Spay/Neuter Services for First Nation Communities
Thanks to Petsmart Charities of Canada, Access to Care grant in the amount of $70,000, AARCS was...
Surge in Pet Rehome Requests Post-COVID
During the height of the pandemic animal rescues were inundated with people looking to help...
What is the Animal Welfare Coalition of Alberta?
AARCS is a proud founding member of The Animal Welfare Coalition of Alberta (AWC).What is the...
The word “parvo” may seem harmless to the average person, but to anyone working with animals, it’s...
Pets and Mental Health
Mental health is something that has affected each and every single one of us since the start of...
Your Questions About Dog and Cat Vaccines Answered!
Written by Dr. Sarah Engbers The occasional distemper outbreak at AARCS Safe Haven and kennel...
AARCS Pilots Pet Adoption Services for City of Calgary
Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) pilots management of pet adoption services for The City...
Photographing Your Pet or AARCS Foster
Written by Inga Morozoff Let’s face it, animals can be hard to photograph. Cats can be aloof,...
3 Training Tips for Back-To-School or Work
Shauna Alcock, AARCS Behaviour Coordinator Going back to the office? Heading back to school? Our...
So you Adopted A Dog/Puppy – What Next?
Congratulations on making the best decision ever to adopt a dog into your family! How are you...