Leave a Lasting Legacy
Your legacy, their lifetime
Naming AARCS in your will is a beautiful way to ensure the well-being of animals for generations to come. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Your gift will provide countless animals with a second chance and leave a lasting impact on our world. With your support, AARCS will continue to proudly lead the way in offering thousands of homeless animals a Safe Haven and work tirelessly to address the root causes of animal homelessness making a profound difference in the lives of innocent animals. Your gift is a reflection of your compassion and dedication to creating a brighter, more humane future for them. You’ll also find additional information below about our Forever After Pet Program, which provides options for people with pets to give them peace of mind should your pets outlive you.
We invite you to become a cherished member of the AARCS Legacy Society and leave a lasting impact to be remembered.
Why Choose Legacy Giving?
Enduring Impact
Your legacy gift will continue to touch the lives of countless animals, offering them shelter, medical care and love for years to come.
Tax Benefits
By helping animals through estate giving, you could minimize your income tax, capital gains, or estate tax ensuring your gift goes further in support of AARCS’ mission.
Honouring Your Love For Animals
Your legacy ensures your commitment to animals lives on, making a lasting difference.
How to Get Started
Consult With Professionals
We encourage you to engage with your financial advisor, legal counsel and estate executor to ensure your gift aligns with your full intentions.
Reach Out to AARCS
If you’re considering leaving a legacy to AARCS or have already included us in your will, please reach out. We’d love to express our heartfelt gratitude and assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We hold all inquiries in strict confidence. Feel free to reach out to Deanna Thompson, Executive Director, to arrange a confidential discussion, or to obtain further information.
Submit the Legacy Giving Form
To make your intentions clear and help us understand your wishes better, we encourage you to submit our Legacy Giving Form to become a member of our Legacy Society! It’s a simple process that allows us to honour your legacy in the most meaningful way. Whether you already have AARCS in your will or just want some additional information, submit the form and we will be touch!
Outline Your Intentions in Your Will or Estate Plan
If you would like to name AARCS in your will, please be sure to use our full registered name:
Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society
5060 74 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3C9
Charitable Registration # 80718-8479-RR0001
In your will, you can leave a specific dollar amount, percentage or a specific asset.
Types of bequests can include cash, real estate, artwork, stocks, bonds, etc.

Other Ways to Give Through Estate Planning
Name Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, bank account, RRSP account, or stock account.
Sample Language To Use
🖋️ General Bequest
“I give and bequeath to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS), registered charity 80718 8479 RR0001 [the sum of __________ dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
🖋️ Contingency Bequest
“If any of the beneficiaries named in this will should die before becoming entitled to receive their distributive share of my estate, I direct my executor to pay or transfer the share to which such beneficiary would otherwise be entitled to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS), registered charity 80718 8479 RR0001, for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Personalize Your Unique Gift
Your legacy gift can be as unique as you are. We’ll work with you to personalize your contribution, making it a true reflection of your passion for animal rescue.
Pet Rehoming Consideration
We understand the importance of your pets’ well-being. If you’d like us to include plans for rehoming your pets in case your family and friends are unable to care for them, please let us know or read more about our Forever After Pet Program below. Your furry family will always have a Safe Haven at AARCS .
If something happened to you, have you planned for your pets’ future?
Forever After Pet Program
Care For Your Pets in Your Will
We like to think we will be there for our furry family members throughout their lives. But what if the unexpected happens and you face illness, incapacity or leave this world before them? Safeguard their future and secure peace of mind by having a plan in place should something happen to you. Register for AARCS Forever After Pet Program today!
We often believe our family members will care for our pets, but unfortunately this is not always possible leaving beloved pets in limbo. When you bequeath your animals to AARCS they will be immediately transferred into our care and you do not have to worry what might happen to them. We will place them in a loving foster home, provide any and all medical care and ensure they are placed in an adoptive home that will continue to love them throughout the rest of their lives.
There is no cost to enroll. When you sign up for the Forever After Pet Program, you provide a profile of your animal(s) so we can care for them as you would and match them with the perfect adoptive home(s). Our only ask is that you include a gift to AARCS in your will or estate plan that will provide for their care and leave a lasting legacy for animals.
how it works
1. Let us know your intentions by filling out the Forever After Pet Intake Request section of our Legacy Society form.
This will provide us with the information we need to prepare for your pet in the event of your untimely death and ensure we can arrange a foster home most suitable to your pets needs. We ask questions about how they get along with other species, their personality, energy levels and medical history. You can update your information with us throughout the years. Please email [email protected] for more information and to get a link to the form.
2. Work with your financial advisor/lawyer to include both a financial bequest, as well as your pet bequest in your will.
Sample wording:
“I give and bequeath to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS), registered charity 80718 8479 RR0001 [the sum of __________ dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
“If, at the time of my death, there is a companion animal in my home, I hereby bequeath ownership of my companion animal(s) to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society. I instruct my executor to provide an upfront payment to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society upon their acceptance of my companion animal(s). This payment should be sufficient to cover the expenses associated with the care of my companion animal(s) until the aforementioned bequest is formally transferred to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society. The sum paid in advance to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society will subsequently be deducted from the total amount designated in my bequest to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society.”
Ensure you provide them with AARCS contact information so they know how to reach out. You may also wish to assign us as a secondary caregiver, if you have a family member who is interested in taking on the care of your pets, just in case the original plan falls through.
Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society
5060 74 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3C9
Phone: 403.250.7377 | Email: [email protected]
Once again, there is no charge to enroll in this program now, but we do ask that you leave a gift in your will to Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society. Your gift will ensure not only your pets get the love and care they so deserve, but many more less-fortunate animals will be helped too. We suggest a minimum Legacy Gift of $10,000. This will provide you with peace of mind knowing that we will be there for your pet(s) when you can’t be.
Please Note: This program is for companion pets only (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.) and is not intended for livestock or large animals such as horses. Your pet’s welfare is our top priority. Feel free to contact us today to learn more.
Start Your Legacy Journey Today

(Disclaimer — The information listed on this page is intended to provide general information and should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. The content above should not be used without first reviewing it with your own legal or other professional advisors to determine its suitability for your unique estate planning situation.)