Re-homE an Animal With AARCS

Re-homing a pet should be the last resort for any pet guardian, but we understand that sometimes unexpected or unavoidable life changes happen and it is in the best interest of a pet or family. There are many reasons someone may need this service, and at AARCS we aim to help you with respect, dignity and kindness throughout the process. Sometimes, finding a new home is the right decision.

Please note that AARCS works at capacity most of the time as we are assisting communities across the province. This means we rarely have an open space in our shelters. Our teams are working hard to place as many animals as possible in foster care or adoptive homes. Placement for your pet with AARCS may take several days or even weeks. All public intake requests require pre-approval and are not guaranteed. Intake approval will vary depending on the needs of the animal, the space we have available in care, as well as resources available to us to address any medical or behavioural needs.

Below are some recommendations to try prior to re-homing your pet through a rescue or humane society:

Behavioural Issues

Have your veterinarian perform a health exam. Many behavioural issues, such as peeing outside the litter box, are related to undiagnosed medical issues.

Seek advice from a qualified trainer or veterinary behaviourist. 

Check out some of AARCS’ blog posts discussing common behaviour issues and what you can do about it:

Check out our Links page for trainers and veterinarians.

Financial Constraints

If you are not able to afford medical treatments, spay/netuer, or pet food, please ask your veterinary provider about payment plans or inquire about Petcard. You can also apply for assistance through one of the following resources:


Pet Food and Supplies

Medical Care or Spay/Neuter

Before asking a shelter or rescue to take your pet, we also recommend trying to find a home with family or friends first. Please note that when re-homing a pet with medical or behavioural concerns, these need to be clearly disclosed to the pet’s new guardians.

In cases of extreme medical or behavioural concerns, where quality of life and/or the safety of caregivers is in question, guardians should seek advice from their veterinarian or a certified behaviour trainer on ALL available options. In those cases where humane euthanasia is recommended by a qualified professional, supporting your pet through this final stage is likely the kinder choice over transferring them to a shelter.

Should AARCS be in a position to accept your pet, a Care Contribution Fee between $50 to $100 may be required.

This fee helps us cover the costs of medical treatment, spay/neuter, and housing for your pet.

To inquire about transferring guardianship of a pet to AARCS, please submit a request below.