Sponsor AARCS

Shelter sponsorship is a great way to show your support!

A customized plaque showcasing your gift will be displayed in the area of your choosing. As a memento, a Certificate of Recognition will be emailed to you for printing and sharing. You can renew your sponsorship annually, and all shelter sponsorships are eligible for a tax receipt.

These opportunities are limited per shelter. See below for current availability.

OpportunitieS AVAILABLE NOW:

Shelter sponsorships are available for a one-year period, are eligible to receive a tax receipt and are renewable annually. As a thank you for your support, an acknowledgement plaque will be placed on the kennel door that you have sponsored and a Certificate of Recognition will be emailed to you.

Expand the Boxes for Availability!

Shelter Opportunities · EDMONTON

· Cat Isolation Kennel* $300/year

· Cat Enclosure Kennel* $500/year   

· Dog Isolation Kennel* $500/year

· Dog Run Kennel* $750/year

· Cat Isolation Room* $1,000/year

· Dog Isolation Room* $2,000/year

· Cat Room — Purrlin $2,000/year

· Dog Shelter Area* $5,000/year

⭐ Public Lobby Adoption Area $10,000/year

*Area is not open to the public but will be seen on tours, by staff and volunteers

Shelter Opportunities · CALGARY

· Dog Run Kennel* $1,500/year

· Cat Enclosure Kennel* $300/year

· Cat Isolation Room Kennel* $500/year

· Vet Clinic Kennel* $250/year

· Vet Recovery Room Kennel* $500/year

· Vet Hospital Incubator* $1,500/year

                    · Vet Operating Room* $1,500/year 

· Critter Enclosure Kennel* $300/year

*Area is not open to the public but will be seen on tours, by staff and volunteers

If you have questions or would like more information about Shelter Sponsorship opportunities, please contact Nicole Janke.



For individuals, families or companies looking to contribute to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society in a unique way, sponsorship is the way to go! Your sponsorship includes personalized recognition that you can share with your family, friends and customers.

There are many benefits to corporate sponsorship, including increased brand awareness, generating new customers and positive public relations. By sponsoring an AARCS event or program, you will help create an emotional commitment to your brand; you will receive both onsite and media exposure through AARCS; you will have the satisfaction of being involved in your community; and, in certain cases, the sponsorship is tax-deductible.


Sponsoring a kennel provides a unique gift that helps rescued animals while they are staying at AARCS’ Calgary and Edmonton shelters. Sponsorship donations go towards the care, upkeep and maintenance of our shelters and help to offset the costs of food, supplies and much more. Many sponsors choose the plaque in memory of a pet or family member who has passed on.

These sponsorships are available for a one-year period, are eligible to receive a tax receipt, and are renewable annually.

As a thank you for your support, an acknowledgement plaque will be placed on or near the kennel that you have sponsored and a Certificate of Recognition will be emailed to you.


With the support of our kennel and room sponsors at our shelter, we can offer temporary housing to thousands of animals each year at our animal shelters before they are placed in foster care or find their own forever home!

Calgary + Veterinary Hospital SPONSORS

Dog Kennel Recognition

· Donated by Rufus, Bonnie, Arya, Gizmo, Simon and Riley
· Thank you AARCS! Love Demi and Family
· In honour of Goldie, Oct 26, 2007 – March 06, 2023
· In memory of Tony Mah
· Bryan Dowie & Louise Prolux
· Peregrine General Pest Control
· In Loving Memory of Nicole Blondie Wershler 1970-2020, To honour her life for animals and everlasting kindness
· In Memory of Kylie and Arden
· In Memory of Muffin and Ziggy, Sponsored by Penny Bruce
· Charlene & Jared Keller in Loving Memory of Baxter, Lincoln and Haven
· The Mee Family in memory of Selina and Midge
· Ten Foot Henry In Memory of Our Beloved Stella
· SABR Energy Consulting | From AARCS Alumni Leela
· Thank you for rescuing me AARCS, Love Cooper
· Darlene McKinnon, in memory of her mom, Sandra

· Monica Schaffer

· National Automotive Glass Products Ltd.
· In loving memory of Joey … my very special dog! — Bonny Fox

Cat Kennel Recognition

· Stephen Hyde in honour of Snowflake and her family
· Vesuvius Pritchard
· Mike Pritchard
· David Charles
· Eric Kolesar
· Lauren Vellinga In Loving Memory of Justin LaLonde

· Peregrine General Pest Control
· Hearts Choices & our beloved Soma and Sparky
· Bonny Fox
· Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning
· In memory of Ebony, Joey, Precious and Ash
· Aspenleaf Energy Limited on behalf of Meaghan Groves


· In memory of our sweet Neo — Juan & Karisha Du Toit
· Pat and Brenda say thanks for all you do
· May the occupant of this enclosure bring you as much happiness as my rescue has brought me
· In Honour of Patricia Mckay
· What greater gift than the love of a cat
· From the SFFL
· Courtesy of Duck and Moose
· Lisa Makinson & Alan Smith in loving memory of our big fluffy boy, Garth
· In loving memory of Abby, Love Deanna & Jay
· Megan’s Care House
· Cullen Cats Care House
· With love from the Eisler-Louie family
· In memory of our handsome boy, Miikka — Juan & Karisha Du Toit
· Merry Christmas from Beanz. and Stormy
· With love from Jeffrey, Nora, Diego and Frida
· With love from Jeffrey, Nora, Diego and Frida

· In loving memory of Merlin and Chloe, “The littlest paws make the biggest footprints in our hearts”
· Honey I’m still here / Take a chance on me
· Dedicated with love from Barnaby and Boots — Heather and Jayson Dahl
· With love from Jeffrey, Nora, Diego and Frida
· For the love of cats — Randy & Wendy Kolesar & Leo & Chai
· Katie Cooper — Because all animals deserve a chance at a happy life
· Lisa Makinson & Alan Smith in loving memory of our little baby bear, Leo
· All creatures great and small
· Alexa Komlos
· Kim, Gary, Jamie & Sarah Hirst
· With love, Chester and Ren — Shauna McIlmoyle
· In loving memory of GooZoo — Mee Family
· With love from Trixie and Ezreal — Mee Family
· All animals will enhance your life, Love Bonny
· In memory of Posh and Smuckers

Veterinary Hospital Recognition


· Sarah and Ethan Flynn
· Dedicated to the special ones who will occupy this room. May this be a safe space for you to heal. – T.H.
· George Pritchard
· Pyatt Health Centre in Memory of Chloe & Gracie
· The Mee Family, With Love from Orchid and Bellini
· RightRide Calgary South
· PrairieSky Royalty Ltd.
· Tsunami Pritchard
· David Hochman In Memory of Sally


· Stella’s Wellness Tribute

· Quinn Horsley & Karen Sproule
· In loving memory of Steve Armstrong to honour his life and his AARCS kitties Minya and Keyla
· To Nana and Grandad, Love all your grandpuppers and grandkittens
· A new beginning, from Pat and Brenda
· In loving memory of Roman and Rocket
· In memory of Lola
· Gabriel Nam — a dog who touched many hearts, our soulmate, a most special dog & amazing friend
· “Animals truly love unconditionally & Rescued is my favourite breed.” Kennel sponsored by–Jill DeYoung-Prins
· “Charlene & Jared Keller in Loving Memory of Baxter, Lincoln and Haven”

· Eric Strand, In memory of Ruby (Kanga-Rubes)
· “Animals truly love unconditionally & Rescued is my favourite breed.” Kennel sponsored by–Jill DeYoung-Prins
· Charlene & Jared Keller in Loving Memory of Baxter,
Lincoln and Haven

· In memory of Pattie and all our beloved companions
through the years
· Get well soon! — Mandel Waste and Recycling

· Sponsored with love from Vanessa and Casper “It’s a small thing to help one animal, but to that one animal it’s a big thing.”— Gene Baur
· In memory of Zoe, Bricy, Molly and Yoshi

Critter Kennel Recognition

· Carmelita Hallett, In memory of Brent Hallett

· KV Inc.

Edmonton Sponsors

Cat Kennel Recognition

· Bulbuc Family
· In the loving memory of Diva — Abdallah and Mays

· David Hochman In Honour of Irene Hochman
· David Hochman In Honour of Irene Hochman
· Sarah Schmidt In Loving Memory of Tuna, Our Bahamian Potcake
· In Loving Memory of Manila
· Sponsored by Deanna Thompson and Jay Jokisch
· In Memory of Ann Lister
· In Memory of Our Beloved Mimi — Angela & Paul

· Linda Willson
· From our hearts with love, Anonymous
· In honour of Hector

Medical Recognition

· Angela Blais In memory of Lincoln

Dog Kennel Recognition

· Krawford Construction
· Dogs leave paw prints on our hearts. For our little Barley.

· Candace Enns — The Dane Room In loving memory of Harley & Quinn and in honour of Maddy & Dougie
· Courtesy of Rufus

Critter Recognition

· In memory of my dad, Dewey Holt, who loved dogs.