A sweet star from AARCS is loving her new home. Now named Winnie, she has embraced her new surroundings and humans like a champion. Winnie was well trained by her foster family and with the information given to the adopted family, she was able to fit right in. It just goes to show how wonderful and helpful it is to foster a pet that is in need of some love. Fosters prepare these pets for a lifetime full of incredible memories.
Described as an amazing, loving, and friendly puppy, Winnie makes friends everywhere she goes with her people. Her favorite thing to do is go to the off-the-leash parks to meet new people and their dogs. A day of play for Winnie is a good day for all. She is great with other dogs in the park, loves kids, and is even gentle with the family’s cat. She has bonded with her new big sister named Pixie. They snuggle together all the time and every morning they play games with each other. These two never start their day without a game of tug-of-war or some wrestling matches.

Erika Ravnsborg
Blog and Website Content Creator
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