Have you ever seen a posting on Facebook or Kijiji about a litter of free barn kittens? 

The idea of getting a free kitten may be appealing but before you hop on the bandwagon of welcoming a “free floof” into your home, here’s some things to consider.

One of the biggest benefits of adopting through a reputable organization such as AARCS, is that all dogs, cats and rabbits come vetted, including spay/neuter surgeries prior to adoption. Overpopulation of pets in Alberta is a vast problem, which is why we encourage everyone to become part of the solution by ensuring your pets are spayed/neutered! 

Some people may be turned off proceeding with these surgeries due to its high cost, especially in more rural areas. The average cost of a spay/neuter in Canada is typically between $200 and $800, and varies between provinces.  It may not sound like a lot at first, but after the vet exam, bloodwork, vaccinations, deworming pills, and a microchip those numbers add up quickly. If you have more than one animal, be prepared to see those numbers multiply quickly! Before you know it, your jaw drops at the sight of a four digit figure glaring at you on the eos machine. 

Something we often hear at AARCS is, “I wish I could afford to adopt an animal, but the adoption fees are too high.” You may not know this but adoption fees at AARCS cover all the veterinary costs previously mentioned so your new family member can be medically cleared prior to being welcomed into your home. That $200 adoption fee for a kitten doesn’t seem so bad now does it? 

We understand that caring for an animal financially does not end after the adoption fee is paid, so our adoption process ensures those looking to adopt have a full understanding of the long-term cost of care including food, vet care, grooming, etc. We’re living in an expensive world and that’s why it’s important for everyone to consider the cost of owning a pet prior to getting one whether it’s from a breeder, farm, or rescue… are you ready for the animals’ life-long financial commitment?  The next time you see those tempting “free” animal postings, just think to yourself, is this animal really free? The truthful answer is no. However, adopting through a rescue where your money is helping homeless animals get off the streets and into loving homes, that’s something you can’t put a price on! 

For more information on adopting through AARCS, please visit us at aarcs.ca/adoption-policies-procedures!

Andrea Kozak

Andrea Kozak

Social Engagement Coordinator

Got ideas for our next blog? Email me at [email protected]!