Sedimentary is truly one heck of a fighter. This sweet girl has been through so much, but through everything, she has shown incredible strength and resilience. Here is what her foster mom has to say about her rescue journey!
“I had the pleasure of meeting her in May 2022 when she came to stay with me….along with her 6 kittens. Sedi was scared, very thin with an unkempt coat, sneezing & congested. Sedi was treated for an upper respiratory tract infection (kitty cold).
Once Sedi had finished nursing, her condition deteriorated. It was difficult for her to breathe, and she began vomiting and losing even more weight. We thought this was it for her and said our goodbyes.
The wonderful veterinary team at AARCS were assessing her every week And knew she was made of strong stuff. Sedi was diagnosed with chronic rhinitis and a polyp was discovered deep in Sedi’s ear & they determined that surgery may be the way forward for her.
We all thought this surgery was going to be the cure. I picked her up & brought her home feeling hopeful. Within 48 hours it became clear that she was not having the anticipated recovery. Sedi wouldn’t eat or drink. The AARCS veterinary team took over her care. Sadly she still wouldn’t eat or drink. Again, we silently said our goodbyes.
On December 8th the veterinary team made the decision to insert a feeding tube to help Sedimentary. They knew that this fighter had given her all & it wasn’t time to give up on her. The incredible Amy Corpe took Sedi home with her and gave her the around-the-clock care she needed.
After 4 weeks Sedi was still being tube fed & refusing to eat. Amy contacted me to discuss Sedimentary’s future. It was bleak. That evening Sedimentary took a bite of food. No words can express how excited Amy and I were!!!!! And Sedi kept eating! And is still eating! Sedi never stops eating!
It is impossible to put into words the joy meeting each new cat brings, but there was something REALLY special about this group! On February 14th Amy & her team gave me the best Valentine’s gift ever….Sedi was cleared for adoption. Mama Sedi – Warrior Cat – The biggest & the best foster win” —xo, Sedimentary’s Foster/Mom

We couldn’t be happier with how her rescue journey turned out! THANK YOU to everyone that contributed to her recovery, we couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help!