Have you ever had someone close to you that loved you unconditionally, just as you are, without judgement? Now, before you answer this question, don’t just think about the ones with two legs, but consider those that have four. Some of the best friend- and companionships you can have seem to be with animals. A dog, cat, or critter for a pet at some point in our lives can teach us a lot about what love really is.

It’s true that there are so many benefits to having a pet. They teach us about love, humility, and caring for someone who isn’t ourselves.  They also help us through any insecurities we may have, mental and physical health issues and the list goes on. But sadly, there is something we all have to consider when we get them. They are going to go before we do and it will always take us by surprise.

So, what do you do when you lose a pet?

Allow yourself to grieve:  You just lost someone you loved and who loved you right back. Just because it was of the four-legged variety does not mean that their life was meaningless. Their mission is no different from a human’s, which is to love and be loved. Allow the tears to come, snuggle with their favourite toy, and let it all out. In order to heal, you have to allow yourself to feel your pain. Give yourself a little time and grace.

Let reality set in:  The sad truth about pets is that they are highly likely to pass before we do. It does not make it less painful when it happens but to realize that it is what it is, you can find that you will heal just a little bit faster. It is also important to remember that you gave them the best life just as much and they enriched yours.

Give yourself some love:  The most important way to get through this devasting time is to take good care of yourself. Any loved one would want to you to pick yourself up and feel better about things. That does not mean you don’t feel sad or a loss but you are allowing yourself to heal. It is okay to feel loss but don’t forget to feel the love.

Get a routine: When you are ready to get back in the swing of things, the best way to do that is to get back to a routine or start a new one.  This is true if you have a family (ie. spouse, kids, other fur-babies), remember that your life does have meaning to others as well as yourself. When you have things to do or people to take care of, that is when you have purpose again.  The power of purpose is a strong agent in our lives. Get on it!

It’s okay to think about getting a new pet:  Also remember to keep in mind that a pet that loves you would want you to bring the love you gave them to someone who needs it, too. There is another furry companion out there that you can give a lot of love and joy that you have given to the one who passed. Don’t be pressured by any means to get a new pet right away. It is only something to consider and when you are completely ready.

Losing someone you love is the most painful thing we can all go through. Sadly, that is a part of life.  Those that have gone on to the next life (whatever that may be), whether they are two or four-legged, would want us to go on living and loving again. Animals come and go but their love for us lasts forever. Hold onto that love and don’t be afraid to share it with others. It helps make the world and our lives even richer.

Erika Ravnsborg

Erika Ravnsborg

Blog and Website Content Creator

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