Urban Agility

Have you ever thought that your dog must get bored of walking the same route all the time? Maybe you’ve wanted to do an agility class, but don’t have the time or the money? No problem! Urban Agility will provide mental and physical stimulation for both you and your dog. It can be as simple or complex as you want to make it!

Remember to make these new adventures positive experiences for your dog! Lure using high value treats and give lots of praise. Keep safety in mind! Don’t push your dog to do more than they’re comfortable with or physically capable of.

Lure your dog onto a park bench. Ask for a Sit or a Down, or just get them to walk the length of the bench and jump off at the end. You can do the same with large rocks, lawn furniture or logs.

Use bushes, large rocks, close lamp posts or small trees as weave poles and weave through them with your dog. You can also make use of deserted construction sites with pylons.

Lure your dog onto decorative walks or retaining walls and have them walk the length. Always be aware of the height and make sure the top of the wall is wide enough to provide good footing.

Use circular bike racks as hoops or a ‘tunnel’ and encourage your dog to walk or run through them. Other shapes of bike racks can make great weave poles!

Bring your dog to a deserted playground and lure them onto some of the equipment. Look for wide ramps and platforms that would be easy for your dog to navigate. Keep in mind that playgrounds are no dog zones, so if kids show up, you’ll have to leave.

Find fallen trees, large branches, or low barriers to use as jumps. You can do this in your yard as well, using shovels, brooms, rakes, etc. propped up by lawn furniture. Keep the jumps low, as you don’t want to cause damage to your dog’s joints.

Use your imagination! Once you start really looking, you’ll find tons of opportunities to practice Urban Agility. Have fun!