Urbana came to AARCS once upon a time and is now settling in wonderfully with her new family. They decided to name her Ivy and her presence in the house has been a joy. She is now enrolled in some training sessions with Raising Fido where she has blossomed with happy confidence.
Ivy is just loving her new sister whose name is Willow. The two of them have been attached to each other like twins. Everyday they go to the dog park and she looks forward to it. It has come to a point where Ivy will let her owners know that it is time to go play in the park.
At first she was shy around guests but now she has gotten used to them enough to greet them (cautiously) by sniffing at them. She still has her quirks but her loving owners and sister are working with her. Everyday gets a little easier and smoother for all of them. She is so full of spirit and a happy pup to have around. Her owners are proud to call her family.

AARCS and Ivy’s foster gets a big thumbs (or in this case; paws) up for bringing this sweet little pup into the lives of her current owners. She is a wonderful addition to the family.

Erika Ravnsborg
Blog and Website Content Creator
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