Hi! My name is


I have an Adoption Application Pending!



German Shepherd Mixed


Date of Birth
July 22, 2024

Located In

About Alice

The first thing you notice about amazing Alice is her dark rimmed eyes and shiny golden coloured coat. Within minutes it will be her confident demeanour that tells you this is a pup who enjoys life.

Alice likes routine, bedtime is 10 pm and provided she has had her playtime wrestling with her much larger brother, and a quick trip outside for a last evening bathroom break, she goes peacefully into her crate. Her day starts between 6 – 7 am. She is the spokes pup for her and her brother, with a few low barks or whines to let you know it is morning and time to go outside. Twenty minutes outside and then it’s back indoors for breakfast. Alice knows when her food is being prepared and she will sit and wait patiently or depending on her appetite she will stretch up and peak over the partition softly whining to request that you hurry up. This pup watches everything and her curiosity is most endearing.

Alice loves toys and especially likes to pick out the ones she wants for the day. Then there is the puzzle with hidden kibble; no challenge she figures that out in minutes. She outruns, out climbs and out fetches her brother. When you hold a toy or ball Alice will do her “”Tigger”” impression and bounce with all 4 paws off the floor. The usual puppy nibbling on your hand or jumping up on you is minimal and she is easily redirected with a toy.

Of note although Alice is smaller than her brother she has paws that are almost as large as his and she has dewclaws on her hind legs which can be indicative of a larger breed of dog.

If Alice sounds like the pup for you she enjoys visitors and would be happy to meet you.

Good with Cats?

Not tested with Cats

Good with Dogs?

Yes, Good with Dogs

Good with Kids?

Only tested with Kids Over 8 Years

Do I Need Special Care?


Adoption Application